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Categories: year in review

Year In Review: 2021's Biggest and Best Releases

Year In Review: 2021's Biggest and Best Releases

All over the world, club owners and instructors have kept the wheels turning, helping members stay safe and moving, whether that means taking bike class outside, streaming live classes, or safely returning to the studio. YOU are an eternal source of inspiration, and on the software side of things, we've done our best to support your efforts.

Our Year in Review: digital fitness in 2020 & lockdown lessons

Our Year in Review: digital fitness in 2020 & lockdown lessons

2020 has been a challenging year, but it's a challenge the indoor cycling community has met head-on. Armed with an internet connection and big ideas, many hosted countless classes online and even rented out their bikes during lockdown. Digital fitness is here to stay, and this year we’ve been more determined than ever to help you make your classes available anytime, anywhere. Here's what we learne